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"Entries as of February to March 2005"




March 30, 2005

I'm 21 and lovin' every moment of it! hahaha! No longer exempted from paying taxes (according to dwyt) and now very legal to purchase liquor and buy cigarettes! (yeah right?! as if that applies here in the Phil!) Well, at least my party wasn't all that bad..

No more drinks for dwyt! 

Illusion shaker + beer = sleeping dwyt

For those who came..thanks! I hope I got you all drunk! For those who didn't go! "SAYANG!!! your loss.." hehehehe.. and for those who I forgot to invite.. "May next year pang party!" hehehehe!

Back from Vacation!
March 27, 2005

After 17 hours of non-stop travel from Sorsogon to Manila yesterday (March 26, 2005), then a short rest in Manila, and finally a 6 hour drive from Manila to Baguio...I'm finally home!! wahoo!!

Me saving what's left of the ruins at Barcelona, Sorsogon
"Man Vs. Gravity" 

Bicol is a good place to visit ( if you don't mind long drives ). So many good historical places to visit and the best food courtesy of my lola! I got to see some old churches during our Bisita Iglesia, Sorsogon's very own Rizal Beach, the famous Bulusan Lake which is part of the WOW Philippines, and of course the Cagsawa Ruins in Albay.. where the Mayon Volcano is located. Sadly, it was cloudy when we got there. Half of the volcano was covered with clouds..so no Mayon pictures. We also didn't get the chance to visit Donsol, home of the WhaleSharks due to lack of time! Sayang talaga! I was really lookin forward to that!

I'd still prefer Boracay over Bicol..but for a change of atmosphere and mood, Bicol's not that bad... You can view some of my vacation pictures from Bicol <HERE>.

March 19, 2005

Dad, everyday you're gettin older.. now you're 54! I think now he'll let me open his bottle of Blue Label Whiskey!!! It's official...We're gonna get drunk tonight!!!

 Benj : "Dad, what can you say about mom?"
Dad : "A match made in heaven son!"

End of Classes!! Wahhooo!!!
March 18, 2005

The semester for me has finally ended!! yeehaah!! I just hope all the work I did for my subjects pays off! This goes out to my instructors... "GIVE ME A PASSING GRADE PLEEAAASSEE!!!! "

I wish I was goin' to Bora for Holy Week..Guess this year, I'll end up goin to Bicol - Not really an ideal place for a vacation, but a vacation nonetheless... I think we're also planning to go to Donsol - the beach with the WhaleSharks.. I just hope my dad lets me dive there..even without a diving license.

"Smile for the fishie...." - 15m underwater in Bora


FlowerFest or Panagbenga 2005
February 26 - March 6, 2005

I got my own booth in Session doin glitter tattoos! and I got to meet so many nice people! (Check out some of the designs from the official Glimmer site.)

"Welcome to the Glimmer Booth!" - Berks the Barker! harharhar!

In Honor of a Good Man... 
February 16, 2005 

Guagua, Pampanga - My family and I often visit my dad's hometown during Christmas, or Holidays. It's amazing! Half of the people living in our place, "Maquiapo", are our relatives.

With my lolo being sick and all, this was his last wish. To die in his own town, in his own house and in his own bed. At 81 years of age, he passed away...

This is the last time I'd ever see him. Everyone who was at his deathbed told us he didn't suffer. He died in his sleep. It's weird really...it always hurts when someone close to you pass away, but in this case, I was glad he's finally at peace, and with my Lola up there somewhere. Sad... he's gone... but also glad... he wont ever feel physical pain again...

Bye lolo..we'll all miss you!


Paper Dreads, Wizards, Pirates and Princess...  
February 11, 2005 

What do you do when you have no classes, bored, with a ton of old news papers just lying around? Yeah, we tried doin Origami and making all sorts of paper birds, planes, jets, blah blah blah.... but this is one of those boring afternoons where you put your sanity aside.

Equipped with some scissors, tape and old news papers, we managed to have some childish, senseless but good clean fun over at Ramshackle with...... paper hats!! Yep, its was a paper hat party...

"We're not that old yet!"

When cameras attack!

I have a habit of taking candid pictures. It's more real, more natural and surprising. This picture was taken at Pizza Volante-what used to be Session Theatre not so long ago...

Just goes to show privacy is now a myth...
(at least i didnt show the face)...its my friend Chet by the way!


Bored and Busted...

February 7, 2005

Its my DBMS class right now and as always, I'm slacking away the time. Would you believe after almost 5 years here in SLU, this is the first time I'm using the internet from the computer lab??

Oh yeah, my friend Dwight was held up last night at Bonifacio (along SLU)! Four men ganged up on him and took his phone. Luckily, a cab driver saw the incident, called for help and the police managed to catch 3 out of those 4 m&^*&F*&$%! snatchers. (Thanx to the Cordillera Knights! - just goes to show we still have noble cab drivers in the city).

So you guys beware...Not everyone can be that lucky.... Read the full story HERE!


Jamie, Dwyt, Benjo  @ALUTOFNOIZE 
(did i get that wrong spelling right??)
So who or what are we tryin to be???
                       a. 3 endorsers for Red Horse at a rock concert...        
                        b. Impersonators of Jesicca Zafra, TADO and Ketchup..
        c. 3 under-aged Reggae-nerd wannabees!!!



"Look Ma, No cavities!!" -Anton & Benjo


February 6, 2005

Whoa! Slackdrive.tk is up and running!! I still have nothing to put though!

What the hell is a slackdrive anyway?! >you ever get the feeling when you're so bored or too damn lazy to work..you just wanna go do nothin..well..that's a slackdrive.. or at least my definition of it... This site is because of my slackdrive! haha.. am i making any sense? <


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