March 11, 2006

Six days of sleeping late, waking up early, skipping meals and cutting classes...Yes, we were all tired and cranky.. but amidst all that...we took time to celebrate.

I decided to close my booth in Session early Sunday night to make room for a little friendly get together. We ended up closing up around 1030 PM due to a number of people who came to get more glimmer and have some retouches. These were the events that took place...

WHO CARES ABOUT EYEBAGS?! Night out @ Chillout
L-R: Teklu, Berks, Boom, Benj, Cheese, Lyndon

[10:00PM] Someone asked to cover up her Henna tattoo with Glimmer...that took some time to do considering the size.

[10:12PM] Anyways, we were all set to go when two other girls came to get glitter tattoos. Lyndon wants to do them both, and wouldn't let any one else interfere! hehehe... Then when we were all set and packed up, another customer dropped by and begged for a retouch. I ended up just giving her a free tattoo because retouch takes longer. Berks, on the other hand - literally! - was doing a retouch on the customer's hand that just took forever!

The booth is finally closed! Just have to walk to Harrison Road ( Below Session) and go to my mom's office to get my car and put all my Glimmer stuff ( Table, chairs, etc) there. We decided to have dinner and drinks over at Gilligans. A bar along Legarda Road.

To our disappointment, the guard informed me the bar is already closed for the night...So we headed out to Chillout bar. Teklu was with me in the car and the rest rode a cab. Someone in the cab had this crazy idea of racing goin to Chillout...so he had a little fast and friendly racing competition on the way. Everyone just started running toward the entrance like it was the last leg of the amazing race!

[11:23 PM]
Everyone had their drinks along three orders of Liempo, grilled squid and fries... Everyone was telling stories of their Glimmer experiences, how many gorgeous women they put tattoos on, color cmbinations they loved.. and the usual bar jokes and teasing! And the night went on...

Until next year again... whew!
Click [here] to view some pictures...

March 05, 2006

Now that Glimmer Body Art is in Baguio, it will forever be part of the Flower festival! In case you're wondering what this is, Glimmer is practically a fashion tattoo applied using a specialized gel and glitters suited with your chosen design.

This year, I was situated below Session Road...a location frequently visited. Nonetheless, Glimmer was still a success!!

Glimmer is probably one of the most fullfilling, enjoying and stress-free business this world has to offer...of course minus the excruciating pack pains and shaky hands.

Women flock in front of you to be colored and glamoured...and they pay you to do that! The best part of the job though is meeting a lot of people. All ages and races... kids, high school, college, titos and titas, lolos and lolas... and the list goes on....

Filthy..yes! Rich?! I wish!


I once got a really nice girlfriend from doing Glimmer
[2] Some of my friends also got their girlfriends with the help of Glimmer
[3] Interaction! As I said before...I get to meet all kinds of people
[4] The women! They keep coming back for more! They don't mind showing a little skin in exchange for a little bit of color..
[5] Profit's also good... Yey! finally, after months of nagging and hoping...i bought myself a new MP3 player!!

With those said...I'd like to acknowledge and thank everyone who helped me this year in yet another successful Flower fest!

Thanks to my dad for the loan. Anami for the stocks. Ate Kris, Divine, Tina and company for giving me a share of their booth and also helping me out with so many customers. To my artist and barker Berks, who just loves decorating himself with butterflies, and who until now has still a 'glimmer hangover' along with Teklu (aka Aaron) and Lyndon (aka Shayjes). Salamat sa walang sawang kakulitan! I know you guys got what you wanted this flower fest! hehehe... Thanks to Cheese, Boom, Aps, and to all UC studes that passed by and asked for discounts! hehehe.. You know yourselves!ü Thank you also to my sister Kamille and her groupmates for being part-time barkers for my booth and for giving away kisses for every Glimmer tattoo they pay for!! Next year ulit!!! Finally, to everyone that passed by more than once to visit, to get a new tattoo, or retouches...hope to see you guys soon...you all know my number anyways! ;P

Yep, Glimmer is the dirtiest job in the world....but here in Baguio...someone has to do it...


February 25, 2006

Born Ralph Patrick Salvosa on February 8, 2006, 47 cm tall , 6.3 lbs heavy... Welcome to the world!!

Your cries are heard by those people that love and care for you. Welcome to this world! Feel free to witness the sheer elegance and wonders this world has to offer. See all the colors, taste the flavors and hear the music that comes out of everything.

so peaceful and calm...

Soon, you will know the meaning of pain, failure, heart break and disappointment. Yes, this world is full of colors...not just the bright ones but also the darker shades. It will take you these experiences to mold you into a man your family will be proud of.

Maybe you'll grow up to be a doctor, a politician, a lawyer, a teacher or even the president of the country..who knows??

You bring much joy to your new mommy. You are her entire life..beginning to end. Know that she loves and cares for you with her whole life, body and soul... Know that in the future, she will be hard to you at times. A pill you have to swallow just to feel that certain love only your mommy can show you.

Soon, you will learn to take your first step, say your first word, ride your first bike, tie your own shoelaces, go to class, even get your heart broken... All that in due time. But right now, hush and sleep... Enjoy every moment of your innocence and infancy.

We love you baby Ralph! Welcome to the world! > ninong Benj ('',)

February 14, 2006 - Valentine's day

Here it is again! Valentine's Day! Cupids, hearts, flowers, love letters, greeting cards, chocolates, romantic dinners, serenades, and all of the cheesy things we just love to do and buy... Feb. 14 is the one day restaurants are full, prices of flowers sky-rocket...and of course my all time favorite...an annual prediction of an earthquake during Valentine's... Hmmm... wonder why? ;p

It's raining women! Halleluyah!!
Still...no date today!!! =(

The first time I celebrated Valentine's Day, I was in the 5th grade...I asked my gradeschool crush to go out with me after school... We had pizza at Greenwich then...along with seven of her classmates! Guess who paid for everything?!

Last year, I spent Valentine's at home, dateless and having a chick-flick marathon...

The funny thing about Valentine's is that if you don't have a date... you go on ranting and nagging about how stupid this day is... People overspend, dress funny and you seem to hate every romantic thing you see... Bottomline... Dateless people are bitter during Valentine's! But behind all that bitterness and sarcasm during Valentine's, there lies a lonely person wanting a date or something romantic....
But if you do have a date... the day starts out with a smile and everything falls into place perfectly...

I don't have a date today... But just to amuse myself, here's a list of what I'd probably be doing Valentine's :

[1] Go to SM and watch Underworld 2! At least I'd get to see Kate Beckinsale in tights! Sexy!!! ;P
[2] Laugh at people I see that's wearing any shade of red! Don't you think wearing red at Valentine's is so cliche' ??
[3] Get a lot of funny Valentine's Day text messages...start forwarding them to other Globe subscribers (txtnonstop 4evr!!)...then delete them afterwards...
[4] Have coffee with friends in the afternoon as always...This is a daily routine that even Valentine's day can't mess up...
[5] Text ex-girlfriends! hehehehehe...
[6] Have fastfood for dinner! By this time, all those fancy restos are probably swarming with couples... I don't suppose McDonalds, KFC or Wendy's would be a venue for a Valentine dinner....
[7] Buy a new DVD... Have another movie marathon...just like last year!!!
[8] Make a blog article about Valentines!< ----------------------------------------------------------------------DONE!!!!-------------

Anthing else?? [Comment here]


February 7, 2006

Did you start your day waking up 20 minutes before your first class...and remembering you're about to have a pop quiz that's about 30% of your grade? Did you turn on the shower to find out your sister used all the hot water and you had to take a bath in the ice-cold water?

Did you ever leave the house then forgot your allowance money by the bookshelf?

"Hello, my name's Bruce!"
- Who the hell is Bruce?!

Did you ever try running after a jeepney who just missed picking you up by 20 seconds...then you get a cab, and to your surprise, the driver is a 70-year old huffin' and coughin' fella' who couldn't even reach 35 KPH on his speedometer?

Have you ever reached your school 30 minutes late, and when the driver asks for your fare, you remember you forgot your allowance... asked the driver to wait, and you go look for a friend to borrow money from?

Finally some luck... you came in late yet the teacher lets you take the quiz...

Did you ever ran out of paper and you had to bother your geeky seatmate for a sheet? Ever tried answering 50 identification questions in 20 minutes? Do you ever bring an extra pen? Hmmmm.....

Have you tried passing an answersheet that's half filled? How about forgetting to put your name on your paper?

Ever tried fishballs for lunch? and half a menthol cig for dessert?

Ever skipped class to take a stroll? Ever taken a stroll down town, and suddenly it rained so hard you're dripping wet from head to foot? And then you receive a text from a classmate you had yet another module exam?! Ever thought of what else could possibly go wrong?

At sunset, do you think of God as a giant boy with a magnifying glass, and you're the ant He tries to burn? Do you think maybe He's picking on you? Or maybe He's just too busy with the other 6 billion people asking for winning lottery numbers?

Then you realize...God isn't really picking on you...you're just having a bad Monday.... you cross a street...
Ever got hit by a speeding motorcycle?? That's gotta hurt!! =P


February 6, 2006

This is freaky!

Last Thursday, as I was browsing through books over at National Bookstore, I came across a book entitled "The Bible Code II." If you're not familiar with it, it's said to be a set of coded messages and prophecies encrypted within the Torah, or the ancient Jewish scripture. Unbelievable? Maybe so...but researchers show, with the correct number sequences, you can uncover events in history like the Death of Diana, the assassination of JFK, Rabin, and other world leaders, 9/11 bombings... even winners of the presidential elections!

What's funny about it is that the events written on it already took place. They uncovered the name Osama Bin Laden and Twin Towers, on the Torah, months after the 9/11 bombings. The book even showed Al Gore as the winner of the presidential elections...but when Bush won, a phrase "might be president," criss-crossed Al Gore's name... or something like that...

"Looks Like Armaggedon's Comin' to Town"
Scared?? Should you be?.

I didn't believe a word I read! I said to myself, "I wanna read something that hasn't happened yet..."

To my surprise, I came across this page that talked about the end of days in the year '5766' or in our modern calendar, it's the year 2006! This year!

They said this would be the year of the nuclear war. A death of a familiar figure would bring forth the destruction upon our earth. All it takes is one nuclear missile...and it's "Hello Apocalypse !"

Is this possible? A nuclear war? With the world's technology, definitely! As was stated in the book, it will only take one religious radical to steal a missile and fullfill the prophecy of 'The End of Days.'

I don't know if this is real or not..I hope not...I guess we'll have to see in the coming days...

A day before I read the book, news around the world report Bin Laden is making negotiations...the great Taliban leader has re-surfaced...

A couple of days after reading the so-called 'prophecy' of the Bible code... I turned on the TV, and saw 79 people died in the streets of Manila...

Today, there were four people whom I talked to that were reminiscing their experiences during the 1990 killer quake! The funny thing was...I never brought up the topic to anyone of them... I met them all on different times... and yet
that memory seemed to make its presence felt...

Can you call these signs? Maybe I'm just being paranoid...or foolish... even crazy... i dunno...
What do you think??


January 28, 2006

Where do I begin?! Lush and I had good and bad times together... I always felt- from the moment I met her - that she'd be one of those few people to change my life. And she did! With the little time we spent together, I learned that she can make you feel oh so special, make you laugh, cry, insane, crazy and wild! =) The best part amidst all the conflicts... for a time, she made me feel loved and needed... and I thank you for that hun!=)

It's funny how people seem to drift apart, then find their way back to each other. I may have lost a girlfriend...but at least I still have a friend. Be that as it may, I'm happy!

"A Sight For Sore Eyes!"

10 of Lush's Best and Most Memorable Qualities :

[1] She'll never back out on a dare!
[2] She's a giver. She always has to buy something for her family and friends everytime she goes out-of-town.
[3] She has the most adorable face when she wakes up and yawns.
[4] She's the only model I know who prefers slippers and sandals over boots and heels.
[5] She's also one of the few women I know who's familiar to the music of Finch, Yellowcard, Portishead and all those "non-mainstream" music.
[6] She gets too moody at times! =) When this happens, she refuses to be touched, hugged, kissed, stared at, or to be talked to... It's one of those girl things we, the male species are very unfamiliar with.
[7] She has a huge appetite for sleep!!! But you also have to admire her dedication in the work she does. She'll work for days tirelessly...then go into a deep coma afterwards! hehehehe
[8] She has a great sense of humor! And everytime she cracks that crazy bisaya accent, Everyone listens in AWE! She also has the biggest, heartiest and the most annoying laugh I've ever heard! and I LOVE IT!! =) Once she starts laughing, everyone will evenually follow!
[9] She's so easy to love...
[10] She has that tendency of affecting your life so much that you'd write so many things about her ... Just look at what I'm doing right now!

Seems just like yesterday...

So here's to you on your birthday hun! I hope you have a good one!

January 2006

Another year has passed...Another trimester ended... another memory to reminisce...So what have I learned from 2005?
The most important lesson this year has taught me is that everything and I mean everything eventually comes to an end! Is it sad? Not all the time... Is it true? Definitely!


What a way to end the day... or the year...
Yet we're pretty sure, there's always another sunrise...

It took me a 5-month relationship, a number of trustworthy friends, a bottle of "Empoy", a case of beer and a pack of cigarettes to realize this truth.

As mediocre as this may sound, it changed my perspective of life...

This is how I see it... After a bad break up or a tragedy of some sort, we tend to alienate ourselves from the "fun" around us. Why do we do it? Two reasons..
[1] We want people to feel sorry for us. We want our friends to sympathize with us and tell us it wasn't our fault and everything's gonna be okay. And eventually we'd feel good about that. Let's face facts, we as human beings crave for attention. [2] We can't accept the fact that something so bad could happen to us. Did we really deserve it? Was it Karma? And so many other questions we ask ourselves, then finding out we spent an entire week or so just looking for answers in the depths of our stubborn heads.

I try to enjoy the company I have right now because I can fully accept that it's bound to end sometime in the future, and when it does, at least I won't have any regrets of not having the experiences and memories those people could offer. Now, I cherish every time spent with a woman. If it ends, at least I got to know some good and bad points - thus, another lesson learned -

comment here ]

These are some of my fondest and unforgettable memories of the year that has passed :

January 2005 - I started the year celebrating in Boracay's police station after some of my friends got into a fist fight with the locals in the island.

February 2005 - Slackdrive.tk was launched during a boring database management class. I had a booth in Session Road for the flower fest doin glitter tattoos! And my lolo found his peace at last.

March 2005 - Spent Holy week with my family in Bicol. When I got back, I celebrated my birthday with some of my closest friends, got Dwight drunk so bad with beer and illusion shakers, then decided to leave SLU for good! hehehe...

April 2005 - My parents finally allowed me to transfer to a different school and sent me to Bora for three weeks as punishment for failing my subjects! hehehehe..

May 2005 - Back in Baguio, I got to meet this really amazing girl who'd soon be my girlfriend and who taught me the "Pond's Revo Dance!" I also enrolled in my new school, all hail UC-BCF!!

June 2005 - New school, new girlfriend, new friends, new life! AaAah! This was probably the best month for me!

July 2005 - Tribong Angat was born thanks to DA's outrageous thinking and to Bob Ong's writing! Dwight and I started to teach Photoshop and Dreamweaver to freshmen... And I'm still having a blast being someone's boyfriend! tee hee!

August 2005 - Nothing really exciting... Everyone's love life seems to be drifting apart... Lush got in the FHM Girl Next Door contest...

September 2005 - Went to Bora with Lush just after the trimester ended...

October 2005 - No more Lush...Met another girl that reminded me of Lush... had a bit of a hard time adjusting...But recovered just in time for Halloween! Had a blast doing Glitter tattoos in Nevada Square! Partied all night!

November 2005 - Finally having a good time after a bad break-up. I also got school spirit! (Dwight, you know what I mean! hehehe) Tribong Angat keeps growing and growing...

December 2005 - Angat Christmas party at Inay's place! Lots of food, lots of drinks, lots of crying, problem solved? Not! Found out what a big asshole I was...never stopped feeling guilty about it. sorry... Then I spent another Christmas in Bora...

* Check out my archives for a more detailed description...

Slackdrive version 4.0 January 2005