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How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd

>Alexander Pope (Eloisa to Abelard)
also from the movie Eternal Sunshine 
of the Spotless Mind

Slackdrive ETC - Things I see that reminds me of the people around me

I stumbled upon the old literary works of film director Tim Burton. Some of his poems reminds me of some people I know.. guys, this is for you...

Dwyt - "Stickboy & Matchgirl in love"
To a certain girl - "Voodoo girl" 


Slackdrive Archives - take time and look back to old pictures, events, articles and places...

Entries :

> May 2005
        - Chet's Birthday[18]
        - StarWars Premiere[18]
        - A Wacky Video[15]
        - "Lush"[15]
        - The "Pond Girls"[14]
        - Waterfreak in Bora[01]
> April 2005
        - Marino Shots[27]  
        - About SLU [11]

> March 2005 
        - My Birthday [30]
        - Bicol Vacation [27]
        - Dad's Birthday [19]
        - End of Classes [18]
> February 2005 
        - FlowerFest Booth [26]
        - Lolo's funeral [16]
        - Paper Hats [11]



Rochester Cyril Dulay
May 18, 2005

Many of you may refer to him as Chet, or Cy, Cyko, Fat bastard...and the list just goes on... I've seen this guy laugh, cry, smile, pout, sober, drunk, sane, crazy, flirt, keep quiet, pick his nose, fart, dress in women's clothes, and even Naked! I've seen the best and the worst in him... But until now, we're still the best of friends! He may be a LOT older than me now, agewise..but when it comes to thinking...we're at the same pace! hahahahaha! Setting all the bullshit aside...I consider this guy a True Friend for life! In sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer..till death do us part! (Soory dude...can't help to be a cheesy bastard! hehehehe)

"Angels & Demons" -> Which is which??     
So dude..wishin' you all the best in your birthday! I'll try to get your Pwinsesa for you... hehehehehe... just remember, "The young will grow up eventually!" - you know what I mean! -- HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY FAFA!!!

Make Way for the Geeks!
May 18, 2005

The force is with us! It was one of those historical days in film history when you get to watch a premiere of one of the world's greatest stories. Yep, StarWars Episode III : Revenge of the Sith! Along side my apprentice Dwyt, we were lucky enough to get some movie passes. Even luckier, a friend of mine then handed me two premiere passes to the premiere! So now I have four tickets at my disposal! I wasn't able to sell the other two... so now it's somewhat of a keepsake!


"4 tickets for 2 guys?! Greed is a path to the darkside!"

Dwyt : "My precious! Preciouses... mine, mine, mine!" 
Benj : "You're at the wrong premiere Dwyt!! " nyahahaha!

The twist in the movie : OMG, I can't believe Anakin is Darth Vader!!! I mean who wouldv'e thought?!?! (duhh!)

Overall, the movie was awesome! Kickass! Asteeg!! Great director, great cast, great special effects, great fight scenes (Yoda, Yoda, Yoda! You little green fighting bitch)! My advice to you movie freaks, geeks, wannabe geeks or bored people...watch the goddamn movie! hehehe! then get a life! Nyahahaha!

Wacky Video!!!
May 15, 2005

I also got the chance to do the Pond's dance with Lush and a little bit of Cy! Wanna see? Just click [HERE] or the pictures to download the video.. it's kinda blurry but still fun!

Step 1 : Forehead Smile

Step 2 : The Eye Orbiter

Step 3 : The Cheek-sweep

Step 4 : The Nose Lift

Step 5 : Square Lip

Step 6 : The Smiling Chin


After a Hard Day's Work
May 15, 2005

Sunday night! Last chance for new found friend Lush to shop in Baguio's ukay-ukay! Good thing some stores are still open. After a hard day's work, there's nothin like goin through thousands of clothes and buying stuff for your family and friends at discount prices!! I'm just wondering where they get the energy to work the whole day then shop the whole night!ü Asteeg!!

Fact : Stunning eyes, sexy and witty...

Fiction : Lush is the official endorser for Ukay! hahaha!ü

Check out the Pond Girls!
May 14, 2005

After another Boracay summer, it's back to good 'ol Baguio City. And it's a good thing my friend Trondz gave me an event for our business, Glitter tattoos. Yup, I give free glitter tattoos to people who are willing to dance as silly as possible in a small room while washing their faces and being videotaped at the same time!

From Manila, to Bora, to Baguio, to Davao and to other cities and malls... these girls have been "recruiting" future Pond's commercial models! It's just too bad I didint get to meet them in Bora! But still, we had a blast here in Baguio!

L-R : The lovely Anna, Lush, Cherry and Deb @ SM Baguio

I just love my job! I get paid to work with these lovely ladies! Nyahahaha!

Riding the Waves!!
May 01, 2005

A Boracay trip os never complete without doin some water sports! Thanks to my very good friend John Rip, I got to jetski again! Twice even! Try doin some tricks...

Learn how to do a 360' turn.. how? [1] Go really really fast..as in full throttle going straight! [2] Then immidiately turn to your left or right! [3] Hold n tight! Chances are, you'd be able to do it...or fall from the Jetski! But who cares?! It's fun!!


Watersport freak!!!

Marino Shots!
April 27, 2005

New found drink! An inverted shot of Bubblegum flavored Lambanog in a glass full of beer. This will really get you messed up!

Marino shots!! Whappak!!

Boracay Hideaway
April 12, 2005

We're in Boracay Hideaway! Right beside Gold Crowne. Eight fully air-conditioned rooms and located at the beachfront of Boat Station 1. Our takeover starts at April 16, 2005.

I used my dad as our resort logo! Cool noh?! hehehehe

All you guys interested to go to Boracay, come stay with us! Send me an e-mail or leave me a message [ here] if you guys need a reservation. Spread the word!! By the way, I'll be there in Bora hopefully last week of April till May. See you guys there!

April 11, 2005

Nope I'm not yet graduating! How I wish I was though.. But that's why I'm leaving SLU.. to graduate! God knows I did my best in all the schoolworks and all the projects my instructors have given me. But all those hard work, spending and sleepless nights were for nothing! and i mean nothing! I did not deserve those failing grades some of the instructors gave me! I have my fellow classmates and friends as witnesses! I'm always there during groupworks, overnights and defenses! I even help out some of my classmates in their projects. I just can't accept the fact that all those efforts meant shit! I'm not being selfish or arrogant in saying this but I really didn't deserve those grades! I deserve better!


"A sight to get sore eyes or just Eyebags!"
3rd floor Silang Bldg .

But now I'm leaving...and I leave with these sentiments regarding my stay at SLU. [1]Your new policy for a 4th year standing in IT sucks! And the batch agrees with me on this one! Why change it now?! Why couldn't you tell this to us earlier?! A few minor subjects left behind, and we're not allowed to take Thesis I or even OJT... Can you tell us that's fair? As far as I know from the curriculum, it's stated in the checklist that a student can achieve a 4th year standing once he/she has finished all the major subjects from 1st-3rd year. Isn't that right? Again I ask, why are you doing this to the students? What is this, some kind of power trip?! Don't you get enough of those from our defenses in class? Think about it...a student left one Religion subject for example...then he/she is not allowed to take up Thesis I or an OJT along with that defficiency...so he/she gets delayed for at least a semester! Just because of ONE MINOR SUBJECT! You gave considerations to the other batches before, why can't you give this to the batch now? I am asking this not for my sake, but for those students who are much more affected by this ridiculous policy you inflicted on the higher years. [2] I address this to the faculty of CICS. One failing grade I got is from a subject where my teacher refused to accept or even look at our group project just because it was 30 minutes late. We would have accepted a deduction for the mishap. But all we got, along with three other groups is a grade of 5/100! And it was a running project where my groupmate and I spent all night making! I don't think a grade like that is fair for a late project. At least let us defend the work...but I guess that too is far from feasible. Tell us please, is this one of your power trips? Your students seem to think so...

I dare not ask you to not take your businesses with your students personally, but that will never work! We've learned that emotions affect judgemet. Is this your way of teaching this to us? If it is.. we are sick of learning about it! BE FAIR FOR ONCE! I beg you. God knows we do our part as students...it's high time we all grow up. If a student offended you in anyway, tell it to them straight. Don't ignore them and take it out on their grades! [3] RECOGNIZE TALENT! I suddenly remembered an incident two years ago regarding another group project. Our instructor refused to believe that my groupmate was capable of making such a good program for the reason that what he did was not taught in school. The instructor even had the nerve to insult my groupmate in front of the whole class telling him not even five of the number 1 Dean's lister can come up with a project like that. That was a low blow. I wanted to complain to the dean then so bad...but we let that one incident go...To that instructor, the student body knows he was telling the truth about the project. He is that damn good! Eversince that incident, almost all of the students lost their respect for you...for being so unprofessional and not knowing your own students' Capabilities.

I learned a great deal from SLU. I guess with all the 'ups and downs', I've become much wiser, more fierce and vocal. So I thank you for that. Come June, I am a Louisian no more. It was fun while it lasted..but I have to graduate...

by the way.....



Mi Ultimo a Dios

CICM - "Can I Collect Money"
Makes me want to be a priest so bad!


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