My Works
Say What??


> May 2005
    - Chet's Birthday[18]
        - StarWars Premiere[18]
        - A Wacky Video[15]
        - "Lush"[15]
        - The "Pond Girls"[14]
        - Waterfreak in Bora[01]
> April 2005
    - Marino Shots[27]  
        - About SLU [11]

> March 2005 
    - My Birthday [30]
        - Bicol Vacation [27]
        - Dad's Birthday [19]
        - End of Classes [18]

> February 2005 
    - FlowerFest Booth [26]
       - Lolo's funeral [16]
       - Paper Hats [11]


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"Tribong Angat!"

Welcome to the zany and insane world of "Tribong Angat!" A group of highly intellectual and philosophical undergrads who does nothing but talk sense out of what the public considers as - nonsense!

"Angat" - the official expression, tagline, slogan and catchphrase of the group. What does it really mean? We don't know... That's what we're trying to discover. Maybe with some of the questions asked, the answer will just reveal itself...Still, we're not sure...

How to join : [1] Look for either Dwyt, DA, or Benj and ask a question like "Can water get wet?" or "Why is a dog a dog and not a cat?" ...something like that... something outrageous and truly mind-boggling. [2] You must know the official finger-to-finger gesture when the people around you are talking and you can't relate to what it is they're saying. [3] You must know the aswer to these 3 questions.. What is your name? What is your Quest? and What is your favorite color? [4] You must also know the average speed of a swallow (African/ European) or the capital of Assyria... just in case you dont know the aswer to one of the three questions. [5] You must learn to laugh like this "Wek wek wek wek wek!"

Where to find us : We can be found loitering around the busy corridors of the 3rd floor of the Main Building of UC-BCF during class hours. The foodcourt at Porta Vaga during lunchbreaks and sometimes seen taking video clips at the parking area near the school inside the "Angat Mobile" with plate No. CKW-331.

Interested? Join us now and figure out what the hell I'm talking about! Can you relate? Of course not! You're still not qualified! Send me a message [here] and i'll explain it further





The founding Fathers of Angat! 

L-R : Dwyt, Div, Benj & DA
Not in Picture : Djamie, DLush
Lush's Lessons in Love

This is a forwarded E-mail from Lush... Take time to read... maybe you'd get something out of it.. I know I have...

AnG PaGmaMahaL duMadaTinG sa TaManG oRas At TamaNg paGkaKataOn..MinsaN SiniSiSi Pa NatiN anG saRiLi NaTin KuNg
BaKiT NgaYon Mo LaNg NaLamaNg MahaL Mo Sya..

KunG aLam Mo LaNg... NgaYon Mo LanG Yon NaLaMan Kasi EtO YunG TiNataWag Na "TAMANG PANAHON"..

SoMe ThiNk Of LoVe As a PasT TimE..FLinG At TrIp aNg..YunG MaHaL Nya NgayOn..BuKas HiNdi Na...BoYfriENd Nya NgaYon Pero TaNggaP Nya Na IsaNg aRaw TaTawaGin Nya din Yung "EX"..

MataGal Nga,,inaAboT pa Ng taOn pErO ILaNg taoN??1? 2? 3? Tapos PaG nagKakaSawaAn na NagAAyaWaN Na At MaY iBa NamaN Na NagTataGal LanG ng TaoN daHiL naNghihiNayaNg sa PinagsamaHan...

BaTa Pa MasYado aNg ganoNg magmahaL... MaY iBa NaMaN Na MasYadOng SeryoSo At SenSiTiBo Pag DatIng Sa baGay Na yAn.. YuNg TipO Ng TaoNg haNdaNg iRisK AnG laHat.. MagBigaY.. MagParaYa.. PaRaLaNg DoN sa TaoNg maHaL Nya.. MerOn PaNg Iba DyaN Na PiniPigiLaN YunG naRaRaNdaMaN Nya KasI HigH ScHoOL PaLaNg O Di Kaya TeEnAgER PaLaNg, GuSto Nya KasIng MaGiNg siLa NuNg taOng Yon Sa paNahoNg seryosoHan Na..YunG SiGuraDo Na Sya Na Yung TaoNg Yon Nga ang GuSto NyanG makaSama PaNghaBanG BuhaY..KumBaga "TAMANG PANAHON"..


LUSH - see it? Now, turn it upside down... can you see my name? neat huh...ü






My safe place... with my Lush... "love you hun!"


ThErE's This QuOTaTioN SaYinG:

"i dont care how many lips you've kissed....
i dont care how many women you've embraced
i dont care how many ladies heard you say you
love them....all i care is the future...
not to be your FIRST but to be your LAST"..

MaSaRap MagmaHaL nG TaOng MahAL ka Din..YunG feELiNg Nyo SouLmaTe Kayo..


HinDi HinahaNap Yan..Kusa yAnG duMaRaTinG sa "TAMANG PANAHON".


Better Late Than Never
June 24, 2005

Due to some laziness attacks and uncertain schedules, this is the only time to update my site. It's a bit late to add this and all, but there's just some things that are really worth mentioning!

This is the day Mr. Dwight Erik Olarte Badua was born into this world. Two decades and a year later... this is Dwight as we know him, gracing us with his talents, humor, ideas, philosophies and funny faces!

Returning the favor.. Dwight and I have been friends for more than three years now. We both had our differences, arguments, and laughs.. or as he would say it... our ups and downs, our A's and B's, our selects and starts... and still here we are..at the same school with the same course enjoying the good life.

A certified true friend and "lifetime partner." Here's to you on your big day! Happy Birthday Dwight!





"Touch your tongue to mine!" - dwyt




The rainy month of June. The time when typhoons, floods, and sometimes even landslides hit the peaceful city of Baguio. The semester, or in our case, the trimester is never complete without the constant suspension of classes due to heavy rains and landslides. But are we grateful? No!

Somewhere along the city, families are being evacuated from their homes, Children and even adults get sick brought about by these calamities, and for another personal reason... during typhoons, it's no use getting our classes suspended coz' there's really nothing to do at home without power! No PC's, no TV, and no way to charge your cellphone!

I never liked the rain. Though it brings some perks along the way. The lack of umbrellas give way for a little campus romance. It gets colder...the more reason to find someone to hug. Finally, with all the limited stuff to do outdoors, you can spend it with someone indoors...doing..well... god knows what... just as long as it's safe and fun! Haha!!





My "lunchmates" with their "lunchdates!" 
Where's my date?? :-( ....lush!! 
(L-R : DA, Div, Dwyt, Djamie! ) Puro D' lahat!! 


"I never thought crosses were in forms of cards!"

2. Does SLU really think that 100% of its students know what an internet prepaid card is or how to use one? I was passing by the SLU campus during enrollment and I overheard a couple of students asking someone what the card was for? Imagine that! They purchased something which they do not know. But since SLU supplied it...it might be something useful.. or is it?

3. Though SLU only sells these cards to 3rd years and above, which is probably 30-40% of the school's entire population, it does not eliminate the fact that not all of them are computer literate.

4. True or false : Each student in SLU own a computer and has their own phone line at home, at the dorm or boarding house.
Need I say more??

5. P10.00-P20.00/hour DSL internet rate surrounding the school Vs. P300.00/ 30 hour dial-up internet connection. Do I really have to say more???

With these reasons, can you-SLU, say that this isn't a racket to make more money? You say that "WISDOM BUILDS." Builds what??

To the students of SLU : Wake up!! Make this an issue the school will never forget! This is corruption and you know it!


"Cowgirl Carla"


A Brand New Layout!!

Welcome to Slackdrive 2.0! ( it's got a nice ring to it). I was only planning to change my header, as I frequently do every two months; but I somehow got this urge to change the look of my site... I hope you guys like the new layout... Any comments or suggestions, leave me a message [here]. Happy Surfing!!

By the way, you can still view my old posts at my [Archive Section.] I'm still workin on the other pages so please bear with me...

And oh yeah... This is the first day of classes in my new school!! Goodbye SLU, hellooo UC-BCF!!! Still dunno what to expect...still dunno if I'm gonna go to class later! hahaha!

"Dwyt! Blockmate! Classmate! Partner! Techwindow! nyahahahaha!!! (All you peeepz check out his site! Asteeg!!)




"Bora Sunset" - Goodbye summer!! =(

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